Category Archives: First Step

First Step for Getting Out of Debt – Develop a Budget

The first and most important step for getting – and staying – out of debt is to create a workable budget. Whether you use a spreadsheet or other form of tracking your spending, you’ll feel more empowered when it comes to your finances and can finally begin to save money for things you want and need when you know exactly where your money is going. First, assess your net income – the money you bring home for expenses. Make sure you don’t use your total salary as […]

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Steps to Getting Out of Debt Forever

Many of us live in the moment when it comes to finances – if the money is there, or the credit is available, spend it or take advantage of it. If you truly want to get out of debt and remain out of debt, there are some steps you can take to make sure you avoid getting back in to the same old rut while you’re paying off present debt. Always remember that when you put that great sale item you found on a credit card, you’re […]

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Steps to Financial Freedom

Realizing financial freedom means you can finally live the life you want. It’s a tremendously freeing achievement that can help you feel secure, but it’s elusive for most of us unless we take the proper steps to achieve it. Paying yourself first is the first rule to achieving financial freedom. That means each pay day you should make it a habit to transfer part of your income (10 to 20 percent) to an investment account – and forget about it. Another step to financial freedom is to […]

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